Motorists have known for decades now that it is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol and the law in Scotland has been made stricter in recent years.

Compared to other parts of the United Kingdom, the limit is much lower for Scottish drivers, meaning less alcohol is needed to be in violation.

The newer maximum intake was brought into law by the Scottish Government in 2014 and was part of a raft of new alcohol measures aimed at reducing consumption.

Other such laws include Minimum Unit Pricing legislation which raised the price of alcohol as well as limitations on when someone can buy these beverages.

The Resident: A raft of laws were introduced in Scotland to curb alcohol consumption such as minimum unit pricing.A raft of laws were introduced in Scotland to curb alcohol consumption such as minimum unit pricing. (Image: Getty)

How much alcohol can I drink and still safely drive in Scotland?

The law in Scotland states that drivers cannot exceed:

  • 50 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.
  • 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath.
  • 67 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine.

Can I still drink a pint and drive in Scotland?

With Scotland's limit being far stricter than in other parts of the UK, there is no reliable way to drink any alcohol and stay under the limit, meaning it is practically impossible to drink a pint and drive safely.

The reason why there is not a total ban is that certain products like medicines and mouthwash can contain small amounts of alcohol.

What is the penalty for drunk driving in Scotland?

As is the case in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, those caught exceeding the alcohol limit while operating a vehicle can be punished in many ways.

  • Penalties for being at the wheel of a vehicle can be as harsh as up to three months in prison, a fine of up to £2,500, and a possible driving ban.
  • Driving while under the influence can result in a 6-month jail term, an unlimited fine, and a driving ban of at least one year.
  • Punishments may also stay on the offender's licence for 11 years
  • Causing death while intoxicated is punishable by a further 14 years in prison.

The Resident: Alcohol can only be purchased between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm in Scotland.Alcohol can only be purchased between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm in Scotland. (Image: Getty)

When can I buy alcohol in Scotland?

Alcohol in Scotland can only be bought between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm in shops and supermarkets.

When was drunk driving made illegal?

While many laws existed prohibiting the drunk operation of vehicles like horse-drawn carriages, a limit for cars was introduced in the UK in 1966.

It was hoped that the Road Safety Bill would deter drivers from drinking and driving, making roads safer.

The law introduced an alcohol-blood limit of 80mg in 100cc of blood.

In 1967, the breathalyser was introduced, making the enforcement of the law much easier.