Dorset Council has received the following applications
Notice ID: BOU1139355
Dorset Council has received the following applications: 6/2019/0232 Erection of greenhouse Glebe cottage, Affpuddle, DT2 7HH Planning Listed Building anl Conservation Areas Act 1090
Dorset Council has received the following applications:
6/2019/0242 Residential development of up to 27 units, with associated pub letting rooms, car parking and landscaping. Relocation of access along A352 and improvements to highways including the creation of priority right-hand turn lanes. New pedestrian access & footpaths. Enlargement of the pub car parking, removal of the existing access & formation of new highway access. Red Lion Hotel, Dorchester Road, Winfrlth Newburgh, Dorchester, DT2 OLE
You can see the application online by visiting the Council's website
or at the Dorset Council offices,
during normal working hours.
To make comments about this application you can use the online link on the
above web page or write to the Council at Westport House, Worgret Road,
Wareham, BH20 4PP. Your comments must be received within 24 days of
the date of this advert, quoting the application number.
We will publish your comments on the Council's website.
Please note: It is not normally possible to respond to specific points raised
In any comments you make.
In the event of a planning appeal any comments will be copied to the Planning Inspectorate. There may not be a chance to make further comments at the appeal stage so you should make any comments by the expiry date.
Dorset County Council
County Hall , Colliton Park , Dorchester , Dorset , DT1 1XJ 01305 251 000