Premises Licence Application
Notice ID: SW4371965
Licensing Act 2003
Christina Elizabeth Anne Re i d has applied to the Licensing Authori ty of Wiltshire Council lor grant ol Premises Licence lor Jean-Paul Vuillin Ltd., Midway Manor Frome Road Bradlord-on-Avon BAI5 2AJ. The details ol the application as applied lor are as follows: Sale ol Alcohol by Retail: Monday - Sunday 0800 - 18:00. Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this application may do so by writing to Wiltshire Council, Licensing Department, Monkton Park Chippenham Wiltshire SNI5IER or via email to Representation may be made up to 28 days lrom the date ol this notice. Acopy ol the application is held at the above Wiltshire Council address. The application can be viewed by prior appointment. It is an ollence under Section I58 Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a lalse statement in connection with an application. The maximum line lor which a person is liable on summary conviction lor making a lalse statement is a Level 5 line on the standard scale Dated: I0th April 20I9 Applicants Agent: Knight Training UK Ltd. 0330 999 3I99 tsssos