Notice ID: RED1047669
NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Council, at its meeting on 21st February 2019, set the following amounts of Council Tax payable for the financial year beginning 1st April 2019 for each category of dwellings set out below:-
Part of the Council's area Valuation Bands
Up to £40,001- £52,001- £68,001- £88,001-£120,001-£160,001- Over
£40,000 £52,000 £68,000 £88,000 £120,000 £160,000 £320,000 £320,000 ££££££££
Arborfield & Newland 1,225.18 1,429.37 1,633.57 1,837.76 2,246.15 2,654.54 3,062.94 3,675.52
Barkham 1,192.68 1,391.45 1,590.24 1,789.01 2,186.57 2,584.12 2,981.69 3,578.02
Charvil 1,193.99 1,392.98 1,591.98 1,790.97 2,188.96 2,586.95 2,984.96 3,581.94
Earley 1,220.43 1,423.82 1,627.23 1,830.63 2,237.44 2,644.24 3,051.06 3,661.26
Finchampstead 1,188.27 1,386.30 1,584.35 1,782.39 2,178.48 2,574.56 2,970.66 3,564.78
Remenham 1,221.91 1,425.56 1,629.21 1,832.86 2,240.16 2,647.46 3,054.77 3,665.72
Ruscombe 1,216.07 1,418.75 1,621.43 1,824.10 2,229.45 2,634.81 3,040.17 3,648.20
St. Nicholas Hurst 1,197.05 1,396.56 1,596.07 1,795.57 2,194.58 2,593.60 2,992.62 3,591.14
Shinfield 1,219.61 1,422.88 1,626.15 1,829.41 2,235.94 2,642.48 3,049.02 3,658.82
Sonning 1,201.32 1,401.53 1,601.76 1,801.97 2,202.41 2,602.84 3,003.29 3,603.94
Swallowfield 1,183.79 1,381.09 1,578.39 1,775.68 2,170.27 2,564.87 2,959.47 3,551.36
Twyford 1,189.89 1,388.20 1,586.52 1,784.83 2,181.46 2,578.09 2,974.72 3,569.66
Wargrave 1,228.99 1,433.81 1,638.65 1,843.47 2,253.13 2,662.79 3,072.46 3,686.94
Winnersh 1,193.23 1,392.10 1,590.97 1,789.84 2,187.58 2,585.32 2,983.07 3,579.68
Wokingham Town 1,207.67 1,408.94 1,610.22 1,811.49 2,214.04 2,616.59 3,019.16 3,622.98
Wokingham Without 1,208.21 1,409.57 1,610.94 1,812.30 2,215.03 2,617.76 3,020.51 3,624.60
Woodley 1,242.14 1,449.16 1,656.18 1,863.20 2,277.24 2,691.29 3,105.34 3,726.40 H Thwaites
Interim Chief Executive Civic Offices PO Box 150, Shute End Wokingham RG40 1WJ
Wokingham Borough Council
Civic Offices , Shute End , Wokingham , Surrey , RG40 1BN 01189 746 000