Highways England
Notice ID: BOU1025109
Highways England
Supplementary Environmental Information addressing the impacts of the addition of the new land and the other changes sought has been produced and representations on that are now sought. A technical note with updated information relevant to the Environmental Statement is available for inspection free of charge from Thursday 14 February 2019 until Monday 25 March 2019 at the following location and times:
Highways England Notice of proposed changes to an accepted Development Consent Order A303 Sparkford to llchester Dualling scheme Non-statutory consultation on Supplementary Environment Information
An application for development consent ("the DCO application") was submitted by Highways England to the Secretary of State, c/o the Planning Inspectorate, on Friday 27 July 2018 and was accepted on Thursday 23 August 2018. The reference number applied to the DCO application is TR010036. This consultation concerns changes to that application which are being sought by Highways England.
Notice is hereby given that Highways England Company Limited of
Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4LZ ("the Applicant") proposes to amend the DCO application as made, including the addition of new areas of land.
The DCO application is for an order which would authorise the creation of a high quality dual carriageway between Sparkford and llchester. The proposed development ("the scheme") in summary involves:
- Construction of a new dual carriageway that follows the existing A303 from east of Podimore Roundabout to Downhead. At this point the road moves north before reverting to follow the route of the existing A303 in the direction of Hazlegrove.
- Retention of some existing sections of the A303 as a parallel road to provide local travel connectivity.
- Provision of a new junction allowing local traffic access to the new dual carriageway in the vicinity of Downhead.
- Provision of a new junction allowing local traffic access to the new dual carriageway in the vicinity of Hazlegrove.
The DCO would make provisions in connection with several ancillary matters, including: carrying out civil engineering or other works; the temporary stopping up of lengths of existing highways in the vicinity of the route; the classification of highways including the trunking of sections ?f highway; the specification of the classes of traffic authorised to use a highway; and, the appropriation of a highway for which the person proposing to construct or improve a highway is the highway authority.
The scheme is an Environmental Impact Assessment development ("EIA development") as defined by The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.
The Applicant is in the process of requesting the following changes to the DCO:
- An amendment to the layout, siting and size of the main construction compound which requires additional land to be added to the land affected by the DCO and which would allow the removal of some of the land currently affected for the main construction compound and the removal of much of the land proposed for the secondary construction compound.
- A change to proposed accommodation works to ensure suitable access to Blackwell Farm is maintained which requires additional land to be added to the land affected by the DCO.
- A revision to the Book of Reference to clarify the interests of Hazelgrove School which would be affected by the compulsory acquisition powers sought under the DCO. This change does not affect the area of land affected but amends the category of interests held to correctly note the access rights held by Hazlegrove School which would be interfered with by the DCO.
- An amendment to the shape of Plot 7/8b shown on Sheet 7 of the Land Plans to ensure its southern extent aligns fully with the northern verge of Gason Lane.
Yeovil Library,
King George Street, Yeovil BA20 1PY
Opening hours
09:30 -
09:30 -
09:30 -
09:30 -
09:30 -
09:30 -
Haynes International Motor
Museum, Sparkford,
Monday to Sunday 9.30am to 5.30pm
Yeovil BA22 7LH_
These documents can also be viewed online at the Highways England's website for the Application: https://highwaysengland.co.uk/projects/ a303-sparkford-to-ilchester/
On request, a CD / DVD / USB containing these documents will be provided free of charge using the contact details at the end of this notice. If you do not have access to a computer a printed copy of these documents can be sent to you if requested. A charge of £250 will be made for each copy provided.
Any person may make representations on the Supplementary Environmental Information by writing to the Applicant at:
Post: A303 Sparkford to llchester Project Team, Highways England, 2/07k Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6HA
Email: A303SparkfordtollchesterDualling@highwaysengland.co.uk
A notice was published in this newspaper on 14 February 2019 which sought representations on both the Supplementary Environmental Information with which this notice is concerned and proposed changes to the compulsory acquisition proposed under the Order. The inclusion of compulsory acquisition in that notice was an error and should be disregarded. Any responses made or representations submitted in response to the notice of 14 February 2019 will however still be considered by the Applicant as valid responses to this consultation. Any person who has already made representations accordingly does not need to make a further submission.
The Applicant continues to intend to prepare a request to make changes to the land subject to compulsory acquisition. Once that has been submitted, and if it is accepted by the Examining Authority, a notification of that will be advertised providing a further period for the making of representations and you can make comments on the proposed changes to compulsory acquisition at that time. Any responses on the compulsory acquisition erroneously included in the notice of 14 February 2019 are non-statutory at this time but will be provided to the decision maker at the appropriate time, and the Applicant will ask the decision maker to take account of those.
Further information about the Application, the changes proposed, the supplementary environmental information or the correction of the previous notice may be obtained from Highways England as follows:
Post: A303 Sparkford to llchester Project Team, Highways England, 2/07k Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6HA Email: A303SparkfordtollchesterDualling@highwaysengland.co.uk Telephone: 0300 123 5000
18 February 2019