Bournemouth Borough Council Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: BOU0984986
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Bournemouth Borough Council Licensing Act 2003 Notice of Application for a Premises Licence Notice is given that Bournemouth Borough Council has applied to Bournemouth Borough Council for a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 In relation to: Name of Premises: Southbourne Grive Address: Southbourne Grove, Bournenouth, BH6 3QU The following licensable activities will be provided during the following times and start the 1 st day of May 2019
Activities: Hours: Days:
Plays 10:00 23:00
Live Music 10:00 23:00
Recorded Music 10:00 23:00
Performance of Dance 10:00 23:00
Activities similar to Music/Dance 10:00 23:00
Supply of Alcohol 10:00 23:00
Anyone who wishes to nuke representitiins regarding this spplication
must ghe notice in wiling to: The Licensing Team, Bournemouth
The Licensing Team, Bournemouth
Borough Council, Town Hall, St Stephen's Road, Bournemouth,
BH2 6LL. Representations must be
received no later than 18th February 2019.
The Applicstion Record may bo mowed botweoo 9:00 sm and 10:00 pm
Mondiy to Friday at the above address.
Under Sactlan 158 Licensing Act 2003, itis an offence to knowingly
Sactlan 158 Licensing Act 2003,
or recklessly, make a false statement in connection with an
application. The maximum fine for which a person is liable on
summary conviction is unlimited (level 5 on the standard scale)