Notice ID: SUT0933263
Notice is given that Beirut Canteen Express Ltd, trading at Beirut Canteen, 303 New Cross Road SE14 6AS has applied to Lewisham Council for a variation to the existing licensable activities as stated below.
Late night refreshment 0300 to 0500 hours.
Anyone wishing to oppose the application must give notice in writing to
Licensing Authority, London Borough of Lewisham,
Holbeach Office, 9 Holbeach Road, London SE6 4TW or
email within 28 days of the date of this
notice, specifying the grounds of opposition. The application can also be
viewed at the above address during office hours by appointment.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in
connection with an application. The maximum fine for which a person is
liable on summary conviction for the offence is £5,000.
Persons objecting to the grant of licences must be prepared to attend in
person at a hearing before a committee of the Council.
NOTE: Your objection will form part of the committee report and be
forwarded to the applicant. Please let us know if you have a valid
reason for your personal details to be removed.