Premises Licene Application
Notice ID: BR3389165
Notice of application to
vary a Premises Licence
under Section 34 of the
Licensing Act 2003
Notice is hereby given that
Potting Shed Trading Ltd in
respect of Premises known as
The Potting Shed, 78-79 High
Street, Northallerton, North
Yorkshire, DL7 8EN, applied to
Hambleton District Council
for a Variation of a Premises
Licence. The proposed variation
is to extend the provision of
regulated entertainment (to
include recorded music) and the
sale of alcohol from the current
hours of Monday to Saturday
10:00 - 21:00 to the proposed
hours of Monday to Saturday
10:00 - 02:00 the following
morning.No change to hours on
Sunday. To extend the provision
of late night refreshment from
the current hours of Monday
to Saturday 23:00 to 01:30
the following morning to the
proposed hours of 23:00 to
02:00 the following morning. No
change to hours on Sunday.The
opening hours on a Monday
to Saturday will be 10:00 to
02:30 the following morning. No
change to hours on Sunday.Any
representations by an interested
party or responsible authority
regarding the above-mentioned
application must be received
in writing by Licensing Team,
Civic Centre, Stone Cross,
Northallerton, DL6 2UU no
later than 1 August 2018 stating
the grounds for objection. The
register of Hambleton District
Council and the record of the
application may be inspected at
the address of the council, given
above, during normal business
hours or on the council's website
It is an offence knowingly or
recklessly to make a false
statement in connection with an
application. The maximum fine
for which a person is liable on
summary conviction for the
offence is unlimited.