Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: MF0282420
Licensing Act 2003
Simply Fresh 70-72 Banning Street London SE10 0NZ Notice of application fora newpremises licence Notice is herebygiven that Greenwich Waterside TradingLtd have applied to RoyalBorough of Greenwich foranewpremises licence as follows: 1) Sale of alcohol &opening hours 0700 to 2300 MondaytoSunday. The application can be inspected at Licensing Fourth floor,The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6HQ email: Anyperson wishing to submit relevant representations to this application must givenotice in writing to the address shown above by:16th July 2018. It is an offence liable on conviction to an unlimited fine underSection 158ofthe Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly makea false statement in connection with this application.
Application submittedbyLicensing Matters Ltd 01282 500322