Notice ID: WAR0677066
Notice is hereby given that Star Pubs & Bars Limited intends to apply for a variation of a Premises Licence in respect of premises known as the Railway Hotel (TBK The Railway), Chapeltown Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton, BL7 9LY.The variation proposed is as follows:- I. Extend the opening time to allow the premises to open from 06:00 hours seven days a week and to close on Sunday to Wednesday at 00:30 hours and on Thursday to Saturday at 01:30 hours the following day. 2. Extend the start time for the sale of alcohol to 09:00 hours seven days a week and extend the start time for recorded music on Sunday to 11:00 hours. 3. Extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol on Sunday to Wednesday to midnight and on Thursday to Saturday to 01:00 hours the following day. 4. Reduce the terminal hour for live music and performance of dance on Sunday to Wednesday to midnight and on Thursday to Saturday to 01:00 hours the following day. 5. Extend the terminal hour for recorded music on Monday to Wednesday to midnight 6. Extend the terminal hour for late night refreshment on Sunday to Wednesday to midnight and on Thursday to Saturday to 01:00 hours the following day. 7. Add the provision of films on Sunday to Wednesday from 09:00 hours to midnight and on Thursday to Saturday from 09:00 hours to 01:00 hours the following day. 8. Remove all conditions under Annex 2 and Annex 3 and replace with updated conditions. 9. Amend the licensing plan in accordance with drawing submitted with application. A copy of the Application can be inspected at the offices of Bolton Council, Ground Floor, Bolton Town Hall, Bolton, BLI IRU during normal office hours. This application was lodged with Bolton Council on 18/06/2018 and any representations must be made in writing to Bolton Council at the above address by 17/07/2018. It is an offence under Section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003 to make a false statement in or in connection with this application. Those who make a false statement may be liable on summary conviction to a fine of any amount Dated 20/06/2018 Flint Bishop LLP,
Flint Bishop LLP,
St Michael's Court, St Michael's Lane, Derby, DEI 3HQ Solicitors for the Applicant