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Premises Licence

Notice ID: WAT0619173

Notice effective from
11th May 2018 to 10th June 2018

Notice Is hereby given that Punch Taverns Limited has applied In respect of the Champs Rickmansworth (prev Druids) 205 High Street Rickmansworth WD3 IBB for a variation to the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to allow for: This is an application to change the layout of the premises in accordance with the submitted pbn.The application also seeks to add the garden area to the licensable area.As a result of this, a number of conditions have been proposed The application also seeks to amend the restrictive children's condition. Please refer to the application for a full list of proposed conditions.The application also seeks to make the following changes to the licensable activities and hours as follows: I. Extend the recorded music to Q0:30h on a Friday and Saturday 2.Add the provision of live music to the premises licence from lOflOh until 00:30h on a Friday and Saturday. 3. Extend the sale of alcohol hours to 00:30h on a Friday and Saturday night 4. Extend the opening hours in line with the above, on a Friday and Saturday from O&OOh until 01:00h. 5. Add late night refreshment to the premises licence from 23:00h until 0l:00h on a Friday and Saturday. 6. Add films to the premises licence as follows: Monday to Thursday from lOAOh until 23 flOh; Friday and Saturday from I0.-00h until OIKXh; Sunday from IftOOh until 2Z'30h. 7. Amend the non-standard timings. See application. Representations to this application must be made in writing, by the end of 5 June 2018, to the Three Rivers District Council Licensing Authority at Three Riven House, Northway, Rickmansworth, WD3 IFU. where the register of licensing applica­tions can be inspected during office hours and/or at ft is on offence id Vmtnntff or reckfessly mate a fbbe statement in connection with this oppfcotion. Persons will be fiabfe on summary conviction to on unlimited fine, TLT Solicitors


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