The Potting Shed
Notice ID: MF0273816
Application for a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate
to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 The Potting Shed applied to the Licensing Authority, Bromsgrove District Council for a premises licence for The Potting Shed, 600 Birmingham Road, Birmingham B61 0HT as follows: The applicant proposes to carry out the following licensable activities or qualifying club activities on or from the above premises/club premises as follows: live music, recorded music and supply of alcohol. Representations by interested parties or responsible authorities should be made in writing to the Worcestershire Regulatory Services, Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster DY11 7WF or by 22nd May 2018. The record of the application is available for inspection at Bromsgrove District Council, Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 8DA by appointment. Please call us on 01905 822799 for an appointment. It is an offence, liable on conviction to a fine up to level 5 on the standard scale (£5,000), under Section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in or in connection with an application.
Harrison Clark Rickerbys