DEBORAH LINDA TAYLOR (otherwise Deborah Linda Douglas) (Deceased)
Notice ID: MF0266740
DEBORAH LINDA TAYLOR (otherwise Deborah Linda Douglas) (Deceased)
Pursuant to theTrustee Act1925 anypersons having aclaim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named,lateof 5 The Vineyards, ChinnorRoad, Bledlow, Princes Risborough HP27 9PG,who died on 27/11/2017,are required to send written particularsthereof to theundersigned on or before 24/05/2018,after which datethe Estate will be distributed having regard onlytothe claimsand interests of which theyhavehad notice.
Lightfoots LLP,
1-3HighStreet, Thame,Oxon, OX92BX.