EDITH ELSPETH PARKES (otherwise Elspeth Parkes) (Deceased)
Notice ID: MF0266764
EDITH ELSPETH PARKES (otherwise Elspeth Parkes) (Deceased)
Pursuanttothe TrusteeAct 1925 anypersonshavingaclaim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, lateofChesham BoisManor, Amersham Road, Chesham HP5 1NE; Flat 7 LeathermarketStreet, London SE1 3HPand Garage 13,48-65Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PJ,who died on 01/03/2018, arerequiredto sendwritten particularsthereofto the undersigned on or before 24/05/2018,after which datethe Estate will be distributedhaving regard onlytothe claims and interests of which theyhavehad notice.
One Redcliff Street, Bristol BS16TP.