In the Estate of JOAN CAWLEY Deceased
Notice ID: WAR0507900
In the Estate of JOAN CAWLEY Deceased
Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 rofa b grata! all creditors and others having any dims against or claiming to be beneficially hterested in the estate of Joan Cawley el Redwalls Care Home 80 Weaverham Road Sandrway Morthwicti Cheshire CW8 2ND formerly of 58 Hazelmere HamUetDn Way Winstord Cheshire CW71TL mho died on 06/01/2018 are required to send particulars in wrrling tothe undersigned Solicrtois on or before 11/05/2018 after which dale the Executors will proceed to (fstribute the assets ol the deceased among the persons entted them having regard onty to the claims of which they have had notice and shall not be liable for (he assets of the deceased or any part of them so distributed to any person or persons of whose daims or demands they have not had noVoe. DatedOI/0312018 mosshaselhurst Solicitors 2Casle Street NonMch Cheshire CW8IAB