Notice ID: OX4188315
Application for a Premises Licence
To whom it may concern, take note that I, Ilir Kebej & Louise Claire Kebej give notice that I have applied to South Oxfordshire District Council for a Premises Licence for Sunnyhill Vineyard, 51 Cuddesdon road, Horspath, Oxford OX33 1JD Licensing Act 2003/ in respect of Premises Licence to sell alcohol and supply alcohol for tastings. Monday - Friday 9am -5pm, Saturday - Sunday 9am - 5pm.
Anyone wishing to object to these variations should give notice in writing to The Licensing Officer, South Oxfordshire District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB before 20.3.18 and where a copy of the application can be inspected between the hours of 9.00a.m. and 4.00p.m. Monday to Friday.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application, and a person convicted of such an offence will be liable to a fine up to £5000 based on a summary conviction.