Notice ID: MF0260056
Notice is hereby given that Highways England Company Limited intends to make an Order on the A31 Trunk Road in the Counties of Hampshireand Dorset, under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 because works areproposed to be executed on the road. The effect of the Order would be to authorise:-
(a) the phased overnight closureof:-
(i) the eastbound carriageway of the A31 between PalmersfordRoundabout (A347) and Woolsbridge Roundabout;
(ii) the eastbound carriageway of the A31 between Woolsbridge Roundabout and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Salisbury Road Junction (A338/B3347);
(iii) the westbound carriageway of the A31 between the tip of the nosing of the exit slip road and the tip of the nosing of the entry slip road at Ashley Heath
Roundabout (A338);
(iv) the westbound carriageway of the A31 between Boundary Lane Roundabout and PalmersfordRoundabout (A347);
(v) thesliproads leading to and from the eastbound carriageway of the A31
at Ashley Heath Roundabout (A338);
(vi) thesliproad leading from the eastbound carriageway of the A31 at Verwood Road Junction (B3081);
(vii) the slip road leading to the eastbound carriageway of the A31 at Verwood
Road Junction (B3081);
(viii) all of the side roads at junction with the carriageways and slip roads described in i) -vii) above; and
(ix) all of the bus stops adjacent to the carriageways and slip roads described in i) -vii) above; and
(b) the 24-hour closureofall of thelay-bys adjacent to the carriageways and slip roads described in a) i) -vii)above.
These measures would be in the interests of road safety while contractors undertake resurfacing and all associated works. It is expected that the work would last for approximately 4weeks starting on or after Monday 5th March 2018. The overnight closures would take place between 21:00 and 06:00 (maximum period).
The Order would come into force on 3March 2018 and have amaximum duration of eighteen months. Traffic affected by the closures would be diverted using the A338, A347, A3060 and B3347. The diversion in operation would vary according to the closureinforce.
Access to and from premises accessible from, and only from, the carriageways and slip roads described in a) i) - vii) above would be permitted by escort.
The temporary closures and diversion routes would be clearly indicated by traffic signs when they areinoperation during the works period.
MTaylor, an Official of Highways England Co Ltd. Ref: HE/SE/2018/A31/73 Highways England Company Limited, (Company No. 9346363). Registered Office: Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey,GU1 4LZ. Acompany registered in England and Wales.
For enquiries, please contact the Customer
Contact Centreon0300 123 5000
or info@highwaysengland.co.uk. http://www.highways.gov.uk
New Forest District Council
Appletree Court , Lyndhurst , Hampshire , SO43 7PA
contact@nfdc.gov.uk http://www.newforest.gov.uk/ 023 8028 5000