The trustees of the Philip Baylie Charity
Notice ID: WR4171234
Tenbury Round Market
The trustees of the Philip Baylie Charity invite tenders for the following two leases
1. Tenders for the three year lease of the tolls for Tenbury Round Market.
2. Tenders for the three year lease of the car park adjacent to Tenbury Round Market. Both leases to run from 24th March 2018 to 23rd March 2021.
For details send a s.a.e to Hon. Secretary, Philip Baylie Charity. 5, Burleigh Close, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire WR15 8DN.
Those wishing to tender should include their name, address and the annual sum offered in a sealed envelope clearly labelled "Round Market Tender" or "Car Park Tender" to the above address.
Closing date: Thursday 1st March 2018.