Notice is hereby given that Boomtown Festival UK Limited
Notice ID: BOU0404195
Notice is hereby given that Boomtown Festival UK Limited has applied in respect of the Boomtown Matterley Bowl,Alresford Road,Winchester S021 IHW for the grant of a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to permit the following: This application proposes a maximum capacity of 75,000 persons, plus an additional 1,000 Sunday tickets for local residents the 2018 event, then to a minimum capacity of 79,999 persons from 2019. To propose the following licensable activities, for a maximum period of six consecutive days from Wednesday to Monday on one occasion in a calendar year. Public access to be limited to Wednesday to be limited to 16,000 persons in 2018 and 20,000 persons in 20l9.The permission of plays and films (indoors and outdoors from lOOOh until 00:00h on Wednesday and Thursday and from IQ;0Qh Friday continuously until 04:00h on Monday. For live music (indoors and outdoors) from IftOOh until 00:00h on Wednesday, Thursday and the Sunday and from I0:00h until 04:00h the following morning on Friday and Saturday. For recorded music (indoors and outdoors) on Monday, recorded music and performances of dance from l0K)0h until 00:00h on Wednesday andThursday and from IChOOh until 04:00h the following morning on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The supply of alcohol (on and off sales) to be permitted 24 hours day, with sale available to the public from Wednesday until Monday of the festival only and for crew bar only, for 21 days before commencement of the event and 14 days after the event For Late Night Refreshment (indoors and outdoors) from 23:00h until 05:00h the following morning from Wednesday until Sunday. The premises will open to the public from OfrOOh on Wednesday until I7:00h on the Monday of the festival. Representations to this application must be made in writing, by the end of I January 2018, to the Winchester City Council Licensing Authority at City Offices, ColebrooK Street, Winchester, S023 9LJ where the register of licensing applications can be inspected
hours and/or at ft is on offence to knowngy or reddest* mote a fake statement in connection wrtn this application. Persons wifl be Sank on summary conviction to on unlimited fine. TLT Solicitors
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application. Persons