Harrow Council Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: WAT0303522
Harrow Council Licensing Act 2003
Notice Variation Application under the Licensing Act 2003: FOOTBALL FIRST, CAMROSE AVENUE, EDGWARE HA8 6AG NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT Andrew Wig ley has applied to the London Borough of Harrow for a variation to the current premises licence to allow the following changes: SATURDAYS 10.30 LICENCE START (change from current 12.00) Anyone wishing to oppose the application must write to the Head of Public Protection, London Borough of Harrow, Civic Centre PO Box 18, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2UT (email llcenslng@harrow.gov.uk) By 5TH OCTOBER 2017 and give reasons for their opposition. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement Is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale. Copies of any objections will be sent to the applicant for their consideration and comment. Persons objecting to the grant of a licence may be Invited to attend a public hearing.