Notice ID: AC3605874
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 We The UNISON Sports & Social Club, St Helens have applied to St Helens Council for a Premises Licence for the premises at: UNISON Sports & Social Club, Bishop Road, St Helens Merseyside, WA10 6SX. The proposed licensable activities are: Live music, Recorded music, Performances of dance, Anything of a similar description (all indoors) and the Supply of alcohol (for consumption on and
off the premises) Mondays to Sundays inclusive 10.00hrs to 01.00hrs.
The application can be inspected at the Licensing Unit, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens WA10 1HF anytime Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:30hrs and 16:30hrs. Any representations must be made in writing to the Licensing Manager, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens WA10 1HF or by email to by 13 October 2017. It is an offence to make a false statement in relation to an application, the maximum fine being £5,000.