Notice ID: BR3312767
Application has been made Metropolitan District Council for a Premises Licence for the Bradford (New Build) at Scots Works, Clayton Road, Bradford.
The application includes the following terms:
1.To enable the sale of alcohol between 10:00 hours and 00:00 hours Monday toThursday, Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 01:00 and 11:00 to 00:00 on Sunday.
2. To enable the sale of alcohol for extended hours at Bank Holidays and on other limited days as specified in the application.
3. To enable Regulated Entertainment (as specified in the application) to be provided when the Premises are open for the sale of alcohol.
4. To enable the provision of late night refreshment.
Full details of the Application can be viewed at the offices of Licensing Authority at any time It is an offence for anyone
knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a Licence Application. The maximum fine on summary conviction is unlimited.
Dated this: 19th May 2017 John Gaunt & Partners, Solicitors