License Application
Notice ID: BR3267297
Notice is hereby given that Twisted Bars (Ilkley) Ltd has applied in respect of the Kiplings Restaurant, Unit 11 Station Plaza Station Road Ilkley LS29 8HF for a variati on to the Premises Licence under the Licensi ng Act 2003 to: Convert the premises known as Kipling Restaurant to: 1. A licensed bar to be known as "Twisted Bars (Ilkley) Ltd" (authorised to sell alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises; 2. To add the following licensable activities so that they may be undertaken at the premises: 2.1 The performance of Live Music; 2.2 The playing of Recorded Music; 2.3 The performance of dance; 2.4 Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within paragraph (e), (f) or (g) of schedule 1 to the Licensing Act 2003; 3. To vary the layout of the premises to add fixed seating and to licence the first floor of the premises as the plan attached to the variation application; 4. To vary the hours all permitted licensable activities may be undertaken as follows (save for the provision of Late Night Refreshment): 4.1 Mondays to Saturdays 10.00 - 01.00 and Sundays 12.00 (noon) - 01.00; 4.2 To vary the hours for the Provision of Late Night Refreshment as follows, Mondays to Saturdays 23.00 -01.00 and Sundays 23.00 - 01.00; 5. To vary the hours the premises may be open to the public as follows: Mondays to Saturdays 10.00 - 01.30 and Sundays 12.00 (noon) - 01.30; 6. To remove the following conditions from the premises licence - Page 5. 6.1 " Alcohol shall not be sold or supplied on the premises except to persons taking table meals at the premises for consumption by such a person as ancillary to his meal". 6.2 "Table meals shall be available at the premises at all times during permitted hours". 6.3 " No alcohol shall be supplied at the premises other than by waiter/waitress service to persons seated at tables"; 7. To vary the hours the premises may provide permitted licensable activities and be open to the public by an additional 1 hour on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every bank holiday weekend (to include the Easter, May, Spring/Whitsun and August Bank Holiday weekends); Representati ons to this applicati on must be made i n writi ng, by Monday 27th February 2017 to The Licensing Authority at: City of Bradford, Licensing Team, Directorate of Environment &Sport, 3rd Floor Argus Chambers Hall Ings Bradford BD1 1HX, Email: where the register of Licensing applications can be inspected between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday and/or at WWW.Bradford.Gov.UK. It is an offence on summary conviction, to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application, the maximum fine for which is, unlimited. was*