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Worcestershire County Council


Notice ID: MF0197882

Notice effective from
1st February 2017 to 3rd March 2017

from A38 Lickey End Roundabout to its junction with School Lane.
Phase 2 - A38 Birmingham Road and A38 Lickey End Roundabout as follows:-
(i) A38 Birmingham Road southbound entry to A38 LickeyEnd Roundaboutfrom backofsplitter island to A38 Lickey End Roundabout;
(ii) A38 Birmingham Road southbound exit from A38 Lickey End Roundabout to back of splitter island;
(iii) A38 Birmingham Road northbound entry to A38 LickeyEndRoundabout from backof splitter island;
(iv) A38 Birmingham Road northbound exit from A38 Lickey End Roundabout to back of splitter island.

Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 3 weeks (nights 21:00 - 05:30): Commencing: 1 February 2017.
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) (Footpath FK-537, Frankley)(Temporary Closure Order) 2017
The Council intend, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, to make an Order the effect of which is to close that part of Footpath FK-537, Frankley from between Ordnance Survey Grid References 399913 280386 and 400292 279937.
The Order is being made to facilitate construction works to extend the adjacent Frankley Water Treatment Plant.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises having a frontage to the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the necessary works to be undertaken.
Alternative route: will be shown on the ground.
The proposed Order will continue in force for a period not exceeding 6 months or until the works which it is proposed to be carried out have been completed, whichever is the earlier. However, it is anticipated that the Order will only be operative for 6 months commencing on 1 March 2017.
(Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2013 (Variation) Order 2017 [Prohibition of Waiting on Buntsford Hill and Buntsford Drive, Bromsgrove]
On 19 January 2017 Worcestershire County Council made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit waiting at any time on the following lengths and sides of roads in Bromsgrove:
Buntsford Hill (northwest arm) (northeast side) from its junction with Buntsford Drive for a distance of 39 metres in a north westerly direction; from a point 114.9 metres north west of its junction with Buntsford Drive for a distance of 44.9 metres in a northwesterly, northerly, southwesterly then southerly direction. (southwest side) from a point 97.2 metres north west of its junction with Buntsford Hill (southwest) for a distance of 11.1 metres in a north westerly direction; from apoint65 metres north westofits junction with Buntsford Hill (south eastfor adistance of10metresin anorth westerlydirection;fromapoint39metresnorth westofits junction with Buntsford Hill (southeast) for a distance of 10 metres in a north westerly direction; from its junction with Buntsford Hill (south east) for a distanceof22 metresin awesterlydirection. Buntsford Hill(southeastarm)(southwestside)from itsjunction with Buntsford Hill (northwest) for a distance of 50.2 metres in a south easterly direction; (north side) from its junction with Buntsford Drive for a distance of 46.1 metres in a south easterly direction. Buntsford Drive (east side) from its junction with Buntsford Hill (southeast) for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction; (west side) from its junction with Buntsford Hill (northwest) for a distance of 5.3 metres in a northeasterly direction
The Order will vary the above Consolidation Order (which provides for civil enforcementofcontraventions ofwaitingprohibitionsandrestrictions)andwillcontain exemptions to allow parking/access for certain purposes and limited waiting by disabled persons vehicles.
A copy of the Order, relevant map and Statement of Reasons for making the Order may be inspected at Bromsgrove District Council, Customer Service Centre, Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcs., B61 8DA, and CountyHall, SpetchleyRoad, Worcester, WR5 2NP during normal office hours.
The validity of the Council's powers in making the Order or this exercise of them may be questioned by application to the High Court within 6 weeks from the date on which the Order was made.
(U22206 Sheltwood Lane, Bentley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2017
The Council intend, not less than seven days from the date ofthis Notice, to make an Order to close that part of U22206 Sheltwood Lane, Bentley, from its junction with U22207 High House Lane to its junction with C2045 Copyholt Lane in order to facilitate drainage works.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other formofaccess;andtoallowtheworkstobeundertaken.
Alternative route: C2045 Copyholt Lane, C2045 Holyoakes Lane, B4184 Alcester Road, U22207 High House Lane and vice versa.
Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 5 days: Commencing: 27 February 2017.
(U20602 Spring Lane, Romsley)(Temporary Closure)
Order 2017
The Council have made an Order to close that part of U20602 Spring Lane, Romsley from its junction with
C2166 Shut Mill Lane to its junction with U20403
Rumbow Lane in order to facilitate works to repair a collapsed carriageway.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other formofaccess;andtoallowtheworkstobeundertaken.
Alternative route: - C2166 Shut Mill Lane, U20403 Rumbow Lane and vice versa.
Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 7 months: Commencing: 6 February 2017.
(U21344 Market Street, Bromsgrove) (Temporary Closure) Order 2017
The Council have made an Order to close that part of U21344 Market Street, Bromsgrove, from its junction with A448 The Strand to its junction with U21344 Market Street in order to facilitate culvert soffit replacement and bridge works.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other formofaccess;andtoallowtheworkstobeundertaken.
Pedestrian route: - U21344 Market Street, A448 Market Street, A448 The Strand and vice versa.
Maximum duration: 18 Months. Anticipated duration: 2 months: Commencing: 6 February 2017.
(Bromsgrove District) (Civil Enforcement Area) (WaitingRestrictionsandStreetParkingPlaces) Consolidation Order 2013 (Variation) Order 2017 [ProhibitionofWaitingonOakdeneDrive, Barnt Green]
Worcestershire County Council are to consider making anOrdertheeffectofwhich will betoprohibitwaiting at anytime on the following lengths and sides ofroad in Barnt Green:
Oakdene Drive (both sides) from a point 21 metres north ofits junction with Fiery Hill Road for a distance of67 metres in anortherlydirection.
The Order will vary the above Consolidation Order (which provides for civil enforcementofcontraventions ofwaitingprohibitionsandrestrictions)andwillcontain exemptions to allow parking/access for certain purposes and limited waiting by disabled persons' vehicles.
AcopyofthedraftOrder, relevantplan and Statement of Reasons for proposing to make the Order may be inspected at Bromsgrove District Council, Customer Service Centre, Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcs., B61 8DA, and County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP during normal office hours. Any objections/representationsyou mayhavemustbesent in writingto me at County Hall or email roadtrafficregs@ March 2017.
SIMON MALLINSON, Head of Legal and DemocraticServices, CountyHall, SpetchleyRoad,
Worcester WR5 2NP 1 February2017
(B4096 Old Birmingham Road & Alcester Road, Bromsgrove)(Temporary Closure) Order 2017
The Council have made an Order to close that part of B4096 Old Birmingham Road & Alcester Road, Bromsgrove in two phases:-
Phase 1 - B4096 Old Birmingham Road, A38 Lickey End Roundabout & B4096 Alcester Road:- B4096 Old Birmingham Road from junction with Braces Lane to A38 Lickey End roundabout and B4096 Alcester Road to its junction with School Lane.
Phase 2 - A38 Birmingham Road, A38 Lickey End Roundabout & A38 Birmingham Road: A38
Birmingham Road (south both sides) from Lickey End roundabout to back of splitter island and A38 Birmingham Road (north both sides) from Lickey End roundabouttobackofsplitterisland.
The Order has been made to facilitate works to remove lighting and associated apparatus.
Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other formofaccess;andtoallowtheworkstobeundertaken.
Alternative routes: -
Phase 1 - B4096 Old Birmingham Road and A38 Lickey End Roundabout from its junction with Braces Lane to A38 Lickey End Roundabout and B4096 Alcester Road


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