Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: BR3263005
Licensing Act 2003
To whom it may concern: I Emiline Jane Drachenberg do hereby give notice that I have applied to the Licensing Authority at Craven District Council for the grant of our Premises Licence at The Old Vicarage, Tosside, Skipton BD23 4SQ and known as The Old Vicarage Tea Room
The application is to enable us to serve alcohol Any person wishing to make representations to this application may do so by writing to The Licensing Team, Craven District Council, 1 Belle Vue Square, Skipton, BD23 1FJ not later than 28 days after the date of this notice (19/01/2017). Representations received after this date will not be considered. A copy of the application can be viewed at the Licensing Authority’s address during normal office hours. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with this application, the maximum fine on summary conviction being £5,000.