DIANE ELEANOR DONCASTER (Formerly Jones) Deceased
Notice ID: HV3941009
DIANE ELEANOR DONCASTER (Formerly Jones) Deceased
Pursuant to the TrusteeAct 1925 anypersons having aclaim or ar interest in the Estate of the aforementioned deceased, [ate of 71 Coronation Avenue, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire,SA61 2RG, whodied on 30/06/2014,are required to send particulars thereofinwriting to the undermentioned on or before 13/03/2017, after whichdatethe Estate wi[[ be distributedhavingregard onlyto claims and interests of whichthey have had notice.
Eaton-Evans &Morris Solicitors,
12 High Street, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire, SA61 2DB