Notice is hereby given that Punch Taverns Pic
Notice ID: OX3924808
Notice is hereby given that Punch Taverns Pic has applied in respect of the King Alfreds Head, 31 Market Place, Wantage, OX12 8AH for a variation to the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to allow for: This is an application to (ground floor and first floor).
The main change is the addition of the first floor function rooms. As a consequence the licensable areas
have been increased to cover these rooms.This application also seeks to remove the following conditions in
order to bring the licence up to date and in accordance with the maximum number of person resorting to these premises at any one time in connection with this license shall be restricted to 80 standing. Closely seated audience of 65. 3. All conditions under Annex 3.
All other conditions, hours and licensable activities are to remain
unaltered. Representations to this
application must be made in writing,
by16December2016,totheValeof White Horse District Council licensing Authority at 135 Eastern
Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon,
OX14 4SB where the registlr of
licensing applications can be
inspected during office hours. It is an offence toknowingb or recklessly make a false statement in connection UthisappicationApersonkliableon summary conviction for the offence to an unlim'ited fine.
TLT Solicitors