Town and Country Planning Manor Rise Flats, Andover
Notice ID: SN6017893
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 13 OF APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION
Proposed development at: 14 Manor Rise Flats, Manor Rise, Anna Valley, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 7LT.
14 Manor Rise Flats, Manor Rise, Anna Valley, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 7LT.
Take notice that an application is being made by: Mrs Charlotte Elwell and is applying
Mrs Charlotte Elwell
to the Test Valley Borough Council for planning permission: Erection of extension to the east of Manor Rise Flats to provide additional three dwellings (one 2 bed and two 1 bed) and alterations to existing flats to include replacing windows, and installing pergolas, demolish existing garages/stores and erect bin/cycle store and provide hardstanding for parking. Any owner of the land who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ within 21 days of this notice.
Test Valley Borough Council
Erection of extension to the east of Manor Rise Flats to provide additional three dwellings (one 2 bed and two 1 bed) and alterations to existing flats to include replacing windows, and installing pergolas, demolish existing garages/stores and erect bin/cycle store and provide hardstanding for parking.
Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ
Signed: Mr Peter Home. Planning Agent to Mrs Elwell. Date: 12.10.16 Planning Agent to Mrs Elwell. Statement of the owners' rights.
The grant of planning permission does not affect owners' rights to retain or dispose of their property, unless there is some provision to the contrary in an agreement or in a lease.
Test Valley Borough Council
Beech Hurst , Weyhill Road , Andover , Hampshire , SP10 3AJ 01264 368 000