Ranchos Steak House
Notice ID: SN6014075
Licensing Act 2003, (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005, regulations 26A and 26B
Notice of Application Received Application to Vary a Premises Licence Reference 2016/02492/01SPRV SOUTHAMPTON
Application to Vary a Premises Licence
MrMohamedGiashUddin city council
city council
Ranchos Steak House, 43 - 45 High Street, Southampton SO14 2NS Southampton City Council, as licensing authority, hereby gives notice that
Southampton City Council, as licensing authority, hereby gives notice that
Mr Mohamed Giash Uddin has applied under the Licensing Act 2003 to Vary a Premises Licence as follows:
has applied under the Licensing Act 2003
as follows:
1) Alcohol sales to be both on and off the premises (no change in time)
2) New plan of premises to include the outside patio area
The relevant licensing authority is Southampton City Council, and the statutory register, including the application, may be inspected on the City Council's web site at www.southampton.gov.uk/licensing or at their offices at Civic Centre, Southampton SO14 7LY between 09:00 and 12:00 or between 14:00 and 16:00, Mondays to Fridays.
Aresponsibleauthorityoranyperson,bodyorbusinesslikelytobeaffected maymakerepresentationsabouttheapplication inwriting totheLicensing Team, Southampton & Eastleigh Licensing Partnership, Southampton City Council, PO Box 1767, Southampton SO18 9LA, so as to be received by them between the 8.9.16-5.10.16 Any representation must relate to at least one of the licensing objectives. Frivolous or vexatious representations are likely to be rejected.
Pleasenotethatitisanoffenceknowinglyorrecklesslytomakeafalse statementinconnectionwithanapplicationand,onsummaryconvictionfor the offence, a person is liable to a fine not exceeding level Ave on the standard scale (currently £5000). Licensing Manager.
Southampton & Eastleigh Licensing Partnership
Southampton City Council
Civic Centre , Southampton , Hampshire , SO14 7LY
gateway@southampton.gov.uk http://www.southampton.gov.uk/ 023 8022 3855