Carol Frances Pullin deceased
Notice ID:NOTICE is hereby given PURSUANT TO S27 OF THE TRUSTEE ACT 1925 that any person having a claim against or interest in the estate of Carol Frances Pullin deceased, late of 3 Masons Road, Woodfarm, Headington OX3 8QL who died on the 14th March 2011, is hereby required to sendparticulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the undersigned and to send such particulars no later than 27th July 2011 after which the personal representatives will distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice and will not, as respects the property so distributed, be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice.
Dated 27th May 2011
Signed Wilsons Solicitors, Ease House, 52 High Street, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1XT