Licensing Act 2003 - Sophos Plc
N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sophos Plc has applied in respect of Sophos, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon OX14 3YP to Vary the existing Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to increase the areas where alcohol can be sold within the premises and to also include the car parking areas so marquees can be used for staff parties, to add Saturdays to the Licence with a terminal hour of lam and Sundays with a terminal hour of 9pm, to add regulated entertainment by way of live and recorded music (inside only) to the licensable activities. Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing by 18th August 2011 to the Licensing Team, Vale of White Horse District Council, Abbey House, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3JE where the register of Licensing Applications can be inspected by appointment. It is an offence under section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is £5,000.
Solicitors for the Applicants