The Trustee Act 1925 - Section 27
Notice ID:
The Trustee Act 1925 - Section 27
Silentnight Group pension scheme whose participating employers included, but are not limited to, Silentnight Group Limited, Cornwell Parker Furniture Limited, Parker Knoll Limited,
GP & J Baker Limited and Monkwell Limited
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, that all of the Creditors, Members and others having any claim against or claim to be beneficially interested in the assets
of the Silentnight Group Pension Scheme are required to send particulars in writing to the Trustees of the Silentnight Group Pension Scheme c/o Jaclyn Costello, Bridge Trustees Limited, Eversheds
House, 70 Great Bridgewater Street, M1 5ES on or before 17 February 2012. After this date, the Trustees will distribute the assets of the Scheme to the persons entitled to them, and will have
regard only to the claims of which they have notice.
The Trustees shall not be liable to any person for whom notification of a claim or demand has not been received by the Trustees by the date stated in this announcement. Notification is not required
from persons who are currently in receipt of a pension from the Scheme or who have received correspondence relating to the Scheme from the Trustees since May 2009.