Notice ID:
Hampshire County Council proposes to make an Order under S.14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to allow the National Grid to undertake the extensive refurbishment of overhead power
(i) Boarhunt Footpath 3, between its junction with Fareham Road at SU 6259 1152 and its junction with Beckford Lane at SU 6305 1095.
(ii) Boarhunt Footpath 6, between its junction with Boarhunt Footpaths 2 and 7 at SU 6096 1062 and its junction with Fareham Road at SU 6132 1033.
(iii) Boarhunt Footpath 7, between its junction with Boarhunt Footpaths 2 and 6 at SU 6096 1062 and its junction with Boarhunt Footpath 9 at SU 6103 1019.
(iv) Boarhunt Footpath 11, between its junction with Southwick Road at SU 5995 1039 and its junction with Boarhunt Footpath 22 at SU 5971 1095.
(v) Boarhunt Footpath 12, between its junction with Blackhouse Lane at SU 6026 1015 and its junction with South Boarhunt Lane at SU 6076 0924.
(vi) Denmead Footpath 5, between its junction with Denmead Footpath 7 at SU 6540 1288 and its junction with Denmead Footpath 15 at SU 6547 1267.
(vii) Whiteley Footpath 719b, between its junction with Whiteley Footpath 728 at SU 5331 0980 and its junction with Parkway at SU 5357 0900.
(viii) Whiteley Footpath 728, between its junction with Whiteley Footpath 719b at SU 5331 0980 and its junction with Titchfield Lane at SU 5516 0975.
(ix) Whiteley Footpath 731, between its junction with Whiteley Footpath 719b at SU 5355 0912, and its junction with Whiteley Bridleway 26 at SU 5423 0894.
(x) Wickham Footpath 7, between its junction with Southwick Road at SU 5933 1084 and its junction with Wickham Footpath 18 at SU 5871 1043.
(xi) Wickham Footpath 11, between its junction with Southwick Road at SU 5839 1113 and its junction with Wickham Footpath 10 at SU 5811 1042.
(xii) Wickham Footpath 18, between it’s junction with Southwick Road at SU 5907 1093 and its junction with Wickham Footpath 7 at SU 5871 1043.
(xiii) Wickham Bridleway 501, between its southern-most point at SU 5563 1009 and its junction with junctions with Fareham Road at SU 5726 1120.
(xiv) Fareham Footpath 24a, from a point where it passes under the A27 at SU 5261 0823, to its junction with Brabazon Road at SU 5277 0913.
(xv) Fareham Footpath 30, between its junction with Fareham Footpath 127 at SU 5091 0521, and its junction with Hook Road at SU 5165 0551.
(xvi) Fareham Footpath 127, between its junction with Fareham Footpath 30 at SU 5091 0521, and its southern-most point at SU 5096 0426.
CLOSED FROM: 5 March 2012 to 31 July 2012, or until completion of the works, whichever is sooner.
NB Closures will be applied on an individual basis at various times between the above dates – it is anticipated that each closure will last for no longer than two weeks.
ALTERNATIVE ROUTES: Due to the nature of the works being undertaken, it will not always be possible to provide alternative routes, but where available these will be signed on
For further information contact the Wayleave Officer on 0800 3777342, or email row.notices@hants.gov.uk.
KEVIN GARDNER, Head of Legal Services, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ