Section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 Dene Whike
Notice ID:
"Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925
That any person having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Dene Whike of Flat D Copeland House Firsgrove Road Brentwood Essex CM14 5JJ who died on the 15th day of April 2012 and whose Will dated the 26th day of January 2012 appointed DAVID JOHN HAINSWORTH and MICHAEL JOHN LEVETT Executors thereof are required to send particulars in writing of their claims or interest to the above by 14th day of December 2012 after which date the Executors will distribute the Estate amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice.
Dated 3rd October 2012
LOVATT & CO., Norvin House 45-55 Commercial Street London E1 6BD (Solicitors for the Executors)"