Marie-Anne Thomas
Application for a premises licence (section 17 of the Act)
Marie-Anne Thomas, Brookes Farm, Bath Rd, Seend Wiltshire SN12 6RQ.
Statement of relevant licensable activities which it is proposed will be carried on, on or from the premises: Application for the grant of a premises licence for the above premises. The license, if granted, is to enable the provision of late night refreshments and sale of alcohol on the premises.
The licensing register may be inspected at the Licensing Authority Wiltshire Council, Browfort, Bath Rd, Devizes, Wilts, SN10 2AT between 9.00 am and 4.30 pm (Monday -Friday, excluding Bank Holidays).
Any representations by a Responsible Authority or Interested Party must be made in writing to the above address by the 4th April 2013.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application punishable on summary conviction by a maximum fine of 5,000 pounds.