Notice of Application for a Premises Licence
Notice ID:
Bournemouth Borough Council Licensing Act 2003
Notice of Application for a Premises Licence
Notice is given that Jon Weaver, Marketing & Events Manager of Bournemouth Borough Council has applied to Bournemouth Borough Council for a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in relation to:
Name of Premises: Pier Approach (former Imax Site)
Address: Pier Approach, Bournemouth, BH1 2AA
The following licensable activities will be provided during the following times and start the 20th day of June 2013.
Activities: Hours: Days:
Plays 10:00 23:00
Films 10:00 23:00
Live music 10:00 23:00
Recorded music 10:00 23:00
Performances of dance 10:00 23:00
Provision of facilities for making music 10:00 23:00
Provision of facilities for dancing 10:00 23:00
Provision of facilities for entertainment of 10:00 23:00
a similar description to that falling within
making music or dancing
(e.g. Circus or Street performing workshops)
Late night refreshments 23:00 05:00
Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing to:
The Licensing Team, Bournemouth Borough Council, Town Hall, St Stephen's Road, Bournemouth, BH2 6LL. Representations must be received no later than 29 /04 /2013.
The Application Record may be viewed between 9:00 am and 16:00 pm Monday to Friday at the above address.
Under Section 158 Licensing Act 2003, it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly, make a false statement in connection with an application. The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is up to £5000 (level 5 on the standard scale).