Morse Close, Stopping up of Highways
Notice ID: LON2610716
London Borough Of Newham
Town And Country Planning Act 1990
Morse Close, Plaistow, London,
THE LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM hereby gives notice that it has made an Order under section 247 of the above Act entitled "NEWHAM STOPPING UP OF HIGHWAYS (MORSE CLOSE, PLAISTOW, LONDON, E13) ORDER 2023" authorising the stopping up of highways in the vicinity of Morse Close in Plaistow
COPIES OF THE ORDER MAY BE OBTAINED, free of charge, on application to the Director of Legal and Governance, OneSource, Newham ?ockside, 1000 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QU, quoting reference: LE/02/OSO/NEW030717 and may be inspected at all reasonable hours at Newham Town Hall, Barking Road, London, E6 2RP.
ANY PERSON AGGRIEVED by the Order and desiring to question the validity thereof, or of any provision contained therein, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the above Act or that any requirement of that Act or of any regulation made there under has not been complied with in relation to the Order, may within 6 weeks of 11th January 2023 apply to the High Court for the suspension or quashing of the Order or of any provision contained therein.
Dated: 11th January, 2023
Satish Mistry
Interim Director of Legal and Governance