Capri's Pizza, Premises Licence
Notice ID: LON2591374
Notice of Application for a New Premises Licence under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.
Notice is hereby given that Mr Sajjad Hussain has applied to the London Borough of Redbridge Council for a new premises licence for Capri's Pizza 17 Cranbrook Road, llford, Essex, IG1 4DU to permit the provision of late night refreshment from 23.00 to 02.00 the following day Sunday to Thursday & from 23.00 to 03.00 the following day Friday & Saturday. The address of the Licensing Authority where the register is kept and the application may be inspected during normal business hours is the Licensing Authority, London Borough of Redbridge, 2nd Floor Lynton Mouse, 255/259 High Road, llford, Essex, IG1 1NY or on the Council's website:
Any representations by any other person or responsible authority must be received in writing by the Licensing Authority by 2nd January 2023 stating the nature and grounds for making such representation. It is an offence under section 158 of the licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application. The maximum fine on summary conviction for this offence is unlimited. GT Licensing Consultants Tel 07810 826778 em: