Ulverston, Planning Notice
Notice ID: MFN0684985
National Highways
Notice of Determination
609787A590 Greenodd to Ayside ASC's
Environmental Impact Assessment Determination Under Section 105ab (1)(B) Of The Highways Act 1980 (As Amended)
National Highways gives notice that it has been determined that the A590 Greenodd to Ayside ASC's proposal involving installation of average speed cameras, new terminal signage for speed limits and speed limit repeater signs, which is a relevant project within the meaning of section 105ZA (2) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) is not subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with Part 105A of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended). This is due to the fact that environmental assessment work has concluded there are no likely significant effects on the environment when taking into account the characteristics and location of the development, and the type and characteristics of the potential impacts. Further information on the project and about this notice may be obtained from:
Mark Beaumont, National Highways,
1 Fullwood Park, Caxton Road, Fullwood,
Preston, PR2 9NZ
Tel No: 0300 1235000