Lake District National Park, Multiple Planning Notices
Notice ID: BRA2571876
Lake District National Park
Planning Applications
Copies of the following applications may be inspected at Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal and online at Any representations must be sent to LDNPA, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7RL within 14 days of publication of this advertisement. Please quote the application number.
APPLICATIONS AFFECTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY Change of use of redundant hen house to form craft workshop for the purposes of making candles, Long Garth Farm, Cartmel Fell, Cumbria, LA11 6NS 7/2022/5684 Erect two storey extension, 2 Kiln Bank, Blawith, Ulverston, LA12 8EH 7/2022/5717
APPLICATIONS AFFECTING A CONSERVATION AREA To change the windows on the front elevation from UPVC casement to UPVC sash windows. To demolish part of the kitchen extension and replace with a new kitchen extension, 11 Gowan Terrace, Staveley, LA8 9LW 7/2022/5658 Detached garage (resubmission 7/2022/5111), Ryelands, Grasmere, Ambleside, LA22 9SU 7/2022/5711
APPLICATIONS AFFECTING THE SETTING OF A LISTED BUILDING Use of field for permanent camping for tents and camper vans, High Borrow Bridge, Selside, Kendal, LA8 9LG - 7/2022/5704 Demolition of existing garage, construction of garden annex, alterations to the existing driveway and retrospective permission for the existing water feature and associated landscaping works, Wansfell Holme, Windermere, LA23 1LS 7/2022/5712