High Street, Premises Licensing
Notice ID: NOR2557329Notice for New Application under the Licensing Act 2003
Saffron 78 High Street, Harpenden, AL5 2SP
NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT Ghasem Nazari has applied to the London Borough of St. Albans for licences to allow the following licensable activities and timings:
Supply of alcohol by retail to be consumed of the premises between the hours of: 12:00am-22:00pm Monday- Sunday.
The proposed opening hours of the premises are 11:00am - 22:00pm Monday - Sunday.
Anyone wishing to oppose this application must write to the Head of Community and Public Protection, Civic Centre, St Peter's St, St Albans AL1 3JE (licensing@stalbans.gov.uk) by...... 28th November 2022......and give the reasons for their opposition. Copies of any objections will be sent to the applicant for their consideration and comment. Persons objecting to the grant of a licence may be invited to attend a public hearing.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a level 5 fine on the standard scale.