Uttlesford, Taxi and Private Hire CCTV Consultation.
Notice ID: NOR2546680
Taxi and Private Hire CCTV consultation
The DfT's Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards states that:
All licensing authorities should consult to identify if there are local circumstances which indicate that the installation of CCTV in vehicles would have either a positive or an adverse net effect on the safety of taxi and private hire vehicle users, including children or vulnerable adults, and taking into account potential privacy issues.
The DfT's view is that CCTV can provide additional deterrence to prevent the potential risk to public safety when passengers travel in taxis and private hire vehicles and has investigative value when it does. Its view is that The use of CCTV can provide a safer environment for the benefit of taxi/private hire vehicle passengers and drivers.
To this end, the licensing authorities in Uttlesford are conducting an initial consultation to identify if there are local circumstances which indicate that the installation of CCTV in vehicles would have either a positive or an adverse net effect on the safety of taxi and private hire vehicle users, including children or vulnerable adults. In addition, the consultation is seeking views on whether it would be proportionate for the installation of CCTV to be made a mandatory condition of a vehicle licence. Any decision to make it a mandatory condition will take account of the benefits to public safety as well as any adverse effects including potential privacy concerns and costs to the licensed vehicle holder.
Please complete the consultation survey if you want to respond to this consultation using either the following link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=PwjxROzyvEm5E5wmaKm6ZvceVqcDkgFHklzrDAaugf1UQ09IVEpRSjZCTzBJMDlQWkszRFdJSDRTRy4u
Rusell Way
Licensing Manager Uttlesford District Council Licensing@uttlesford.gov.uk
Uttlesford District Council
Council Offices , London Road , Saffron Walden , Essex , CB11 4ER
uconnect@uttlesford.gov.uk http://www.uttlesford.gov.uk/ 01799 510 510