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North Yorkshire, Planning Notice

Notice ID: BRA2548496

Notice effective from
2nd November 2022 to 2nd December 2022

North Yorkshire County Council, Town and Country Planning Act 1990, (Development Management Procedure) Notice under Article 15. Order 2015.

Application Number: NY/2022/0220/73.Proposed development at Newbridge Quarry, Yatts Road, Pickering, North Yorkshire, Y018 8JL. I give notice that Mr Niall Kelly is applying to North Yorkshire County Council for planning permission for the variation of condition No 2 of Planning permission Ref. C3/07/00515/CPO for an extension of time to allow the remaining limestone reserves at the quarry to be extracted and the site to be fully restored. Members of the public may view the application, the plans, and other documents submitted with the application at Ryedale District Council, Planning Department, Ryedale House, Malton during all reasonable hours until 16/11/22. Please note that this may require a prior appointment. You are advised to check with the Council before making your visit. The application may also be viewed using the Online Planning Register on the County Council's web-site


If you wish to make comments about this application please e-mail planning.control@northyorks.

or write to Planning Services, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AH, by 16/11/22, quoting the above application number. Please be aware that all comments submitted by you are a matter of public record. Therefore, * DO include your surname, initials and address (Anonymous comments are not considered) * DO NOT include your signature, phone number or any other information you are unwilling to make public.

Signed - K Battersby, Corporate Director - 02/11/22


BRA2548496.pdf Download

North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall , Northallerton , North Yorkshire , DL7 8AD 0845 8 72 73 74


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