Bensham Lane, Planning Notice
Notice ID: SUT2511691Town and Country Planning Application Notice
Harson Investments Limited of 291a Northborough Road, London, SW16 4TR is applying for planning permission at the rear of 138-142a Bensham Lane, Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 7EN (Ref: 22/02181/ FUL). The application Includes some land where the owner(s) are unknown.
The proposed works includes the demolition of the existing garages and erection of 3 no. terraced dwellings, Including 2 no. three-bedroom 2 storey dwelling houses and 1 no. one bed single storey dwelling house with a communal garden, bike storage, car parking spaces, communal bin storage, resurfacing of the existing access road and all ancillary works.
Those who believe that they the owner of the land, should make written representations to the applicant at the address given above, within 7 days of this notice.