35 Ship Street Brighton, Variation of Premises Licence
Notice ID: SUT2514956Notice is hereby given that Pizza Pilgrims Limited has applied in respect of the Pizza Pilgrims 35 Ship Street Brighton BN1 1AB for a variation to the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to allow for: To vary the layout and design of the premises in accordance with the submitted plans, drawing numbers 500 & 501. The changes include the creating a customer space within the basement for a 5-a-side mini football pitch (styled like a Brazilian Favela) and a casual dining/ meeting space. The pitch will be used for plating football matches but also to allow tables to be set out for watching international and other nationally important football and rugby union matches. To add relevant conditions. Please refer to the full application for details. Any person who desires to make a representation to the variation, should send to
EHL.safety@brighton-hove.gov.ukor Regulatory Services Manager Regulatory Services, Environmental Health and Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP no later than 11 October 2022 a brief written statement of the grounds of his/her objection. The register and records of applications may be viewed at the above council office during normal office hours; summaries are available via
. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application. Persons wiil be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine.
It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application. Persons wiil be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine.
TLT Solicitors