Stanmer House Brighton, Variation of current Premises Licence
Notice ID: SUT2495103Licensing Act 2003: Application to vary Premises Licence Notice is hereby given that KSD Support Services Limited has applied in respect of Stanmer House, Stanmer Village, Stanmer Park, Brighton, BN1 9QA for a variation to the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to allow for: This is an application to extend the permission for the sale of alcohol, provision of live music and provision of recorded music as follows; Friday and Saturday from 09:30h until 01:00h the following morning (current permission 09:30h until 23:00h for alcohol- no current permission for regulated entertainment). To also add the permission for late night refreshment as follows; Friday and Saturday from 23:00h until 01:00h the following morning. To add thirty minutes drinking up time every day of the week, so that the opening hours of the premises are now as follows; Sunday to Thursday from 08:00h until 23:30h (currently 08:00h until 23:00h), Friday and Saturday from 08:00h until 01:30h the following morning (currently 08:00h until 23:00h). To add and remove conditions to further promote the licensing objectives. A full list of these conditions can be obtained from the licensing authority upon request. Any person who desires to make a representation to the application should send via email to: EH or Head of Planning & Public Protection, Health & Safety and Licensing Bartholomew House, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP no later than the end of 19th September 2022, with a brief written statement of the grounds of his/her objection. The register and records of applications may be viewed at the above council office during normal office hours; summaries are available via It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application. Persons will be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine.
TLT Solicitors