Bromley, Waiting and Loading Restriction Amendments
Notice ID: BRI2487336
The Bromley (Waiting and Loading Restriction) Order 2003 (Amendment No. 216) Order 2022.
The Bromley (Controlled Parking) (On Street Places) Order 2004 (Amendment No. 133) Order 2022
(Various Locations)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Bromley on 9th August 2022 made the above-mentioned Orders under Sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) and all other enabling powers.
The effect of the Orders will be to:-
(a) introduce/extend waiting restrictions as set out in the Schedule to this Notice;
(b) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8.30am and 6.30pm on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive on the south east side of Holmesdale Road at its junction with Great Elms Road to operating at any time;
(c) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8.30am and 6.30pm on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive on both sides of Great Elms Road at its junction with Holmesdale Road to operating at any time;
(d) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8am and Spm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive on the north west side of Lovibonds Avenue at the north eastern boundary of No. 13 Lovibonds Avenue operating at any time;
(e) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8am and 6.30pm on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive on the south west side of Beckenham Road at its junction with St. David's Close to operating at any time;
(f) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8am and 6.30pm on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive on both sides of St. David's Close at its junction with Beckenham Road to operating at any time;
(g) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8.00am to 9.00am and 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive on the south side of George Lane at its junction with Hayes Wood Avenue to operating at any time;
(h) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 8.00am to 9.00am and 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive on both sides of Hayes Wood Avenue at its junction with George Lane to operating at any time and extend their length by 4m on the west side;
(i) convert existing waiting restrictions operating between 11.00am to 12.00pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive on the south east side of Newstead Avenue at its junction with Tile Farm Road to operating at any time;
j) convert existing waiting restrictions operating at any time on the north west side of Newstead Avenue outside No. 126 Newstead Avenue to operating between 1100am and 12.00pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive;
(k) remove 5.1 m of the existing waiting restrictions on the north-east side of Elliott Road located outside Elliott House and merge the two existing permit holder parking places at this location.
Copies of the Orders, which come into operation on 18th August 2022, may be inspected by emailing during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays, until the expiration of a period of 6 weeks from the date of making the Orders.
ANY person wishing to question the validity of the Orders or of any of their provisions on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the relevant enabling Act or that any requirement of any such enabling Act or of any relevant regulations made thereunder has not been complied with, may within 6 weeks from the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.
Between 11.00am to 12.00pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive:-
Newstead Avenue, the north-west side, from point 2.5m north east of a point opposite the common boundary of Nos. 124 & 126 Newstead Avenue to a point 1.2m south east of a point opposite the north eastern wall of No. 126 Newstead Avenue
Between 8.00am to 8.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays:-
CHATSWORTH CLOSE, all that part of the carriageway that is public highway and that are not covered by waiting restrictions operating at any time of the south, south east, south west and north west sides, fronting Nos. 11 to 14 Chatsworth Close; the south west side, fronting No. 11 Chatsworth Close, all; the south east and south sides fronting No. 10 Chatsworth Close, between the south western kerb line of the south west side of Chatsworth Close, fronting No. 11 Chatsworth Close north east and east wards for a distance of 14m
MARWELL CLOSE, the south west side, from a point 6.4m south east of the south eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way south eastwards for a distance of 12m.
TIEPIGS LANE, the east and south east sides, from a point 15 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Bourne Way to a point 17m south west of the south western kerb line of Deer Park Way; from a point 15.9 metres north-east of the north eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way to a point opposite the southern boundary of No. 13 Tiepigs Lane.
No Waiting At Any Time:-
ABBOTS WAY, the south side, from a point 10.8m west of the western kerb line of Aylesford Avenue to a point 8.2m east of the eastern kerb line of Aylesford Avenue; the south side, from a point 9.2m west of the western kerb line of Aviemore Way to a point 10.3m east of the eastern kerb line of Aviemore Way; the south side, from a point 9.7m west of the western kerb line of Ambleside Avenue to a point 12.4m east of the eastern kerb line of Ambleside Avenue.
AMBLESIDE AVENUE, the west side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 9m; the east side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 7.9m
ASHFIELD LANE, all that length of that arm of Ashfield Lane that is public highway that lies along the southern wall of No. 1 Surges Field and between 8 and 14 Ashfield Lane
AVIEMORE WAY, the west side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 9m; the east side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 9m
AYLESFORD AVENUE, the west side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 8.4m; the east side, from the southern kerb line of Abbots Way southwards for a distance of 8.3m.
BECKENHAM ROAD, the south west side, from the south eastern kerb line of St. David's Close south eastwards for a distance of 11.2m.
CHARLTON DRIVE, the north west side, from the north eastern kerb line of Sunningvale Avenue to a point opposite the north east boundary of No. 171 Sunningvale Avenue.
CHATSWORTH CLOSE, the north side, from the eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way easthwards for a distance of 5.6m; the south side, from the eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way northwards for a distance of 5.7m
CHURCH HILL WOOD, the east side from the northern kerb line of Poverest Road northwards for a distance of 12m: the west side from the northern kerb line of Poverest Road northwards for a distance of 10m.
DEER PARK WAY, all of the north east, east and south east sides; the south west side, the sfrom the south easernt kerb line of Tiepigs Lane south eastwards for a distance of 12.6m.
ELMSTEAD LANE the west side, from a point opposite the common boundary of Nos. 74 and 76 Elmstead Lane to a point 4m south of a point opposite the common boundary of Nos. 80 and 82 Elmstead Lane.
GEORGE LANE the south side from a point 20m west of the western kerbline of Hayes Wood Avenue to a point 20m east of the eastern kerbline of Hayes Wood Avenue.
GREAT ELMS ROAD, the south west side, from the south eastern kerb line of Holmesdale Road south eastwards for a distance of 8.5m; the north east side, from the south eastern kerb line of Holmesdale Road south eastwards for a distance of 7.2m.
HAYS WOOD AVENUE, the south west side, from the south eastern kerb line of George Lane south eastwards for a distance of 14m; the north east side, from the south eastern kerb line of George Lane south eastwards for a distance of 10m.
HOLMESDALE ROAD, the south east side, from a point 6.8m south west of the south western kerb line of Great Elms Road to a point 6.5m north east of the north eastern kerb line of Great Elms Road.
LEE GREEN, the south west side, from the south eastern kerb line of Tillingbourne Green south eastwards for a distance of 8.4m; the north east side, from the south eastern kerb line of Tillingbourne Green south eastwards for a distance of 8.6m.
LOVIBONDS AVENUE, the north west side, from a point opposite the north eastern boundary of No. 13 Lovibonds Avenue north eastwards for a distance of 4m.
MARWELL CLOSE, the north east side, from the south-eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way south eastwards for a distance of 5.9m; the south west side, from the south-eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way south eastwards for a distance of 6.4m.
MOUNTVIEW ROAD the east side from the northern kerb line of Perry Hall Road northwards for a distance of 11.7m: the west side from the northern kerb line of Perry Hall Road northwards for a distance of 12m
NEWSTEAD AVENUE, the south east side, from the north eastern kerb line of Tile Farm Road to a point opposite the south western wall of No. 126 Newstead Avenue.
PERRY HALL ROAD, the north side, from a point 11m west of the western kerb line of Mountview Road to a point 12.6m east of the eastern kerb line of Mountview Road.
POLESTEEPLE HILL, the south west side, from the south western kerb line of Steeple Heights Drive south eastwards for a distance of 11 m.
POVEREST ROAD, the north side, from a point 11.6m west of the western kerb line of Church Hill Wood to a point 9.5m east of the eastern kerb line of Church Hill Wood.
RAYMOND ROAD, the north west side, from the south western kerb line of Upper Elmers End Road south westwards for a distance of 10.2m; the south east side, from the south western kerb line of Upper Elmers End Road south westwards for a distance of 11.2m
RYDAL DRIVE, the north east side, from the north western kerb line of Tiepigs Lane north westwards for a distance of 10.2m; the south west side, from the north western kerb line of Tiepigs Lane north westwards for a distance of 10.5m
ST DAVID'S CLOSE, the north west side, from the south western kerb line of Beckenham Road south westwards for a distance of 23m; the south east side, from the south western kerb line of Beckenham Road south westwards for a distance of 24.7m.
STEEPLE HEIGHTS DRIVE, the north east side, from the south western kerb line of Polesteeple Hill north westwards for a distance of 17m; the south west side, from the south western kerb line of Polesteeple Hill north westwards for a distance of 13m.
STURGES FIELD, the east side, from the northern kerb line of Ashfield Lane north westwards for a distance of 17.6m; the west side, from the northern kerbline of Ashfield Lane to a point 10.7m north of the northern kerb line of that arm of Ashfield Lane that lies opposite the southern wall of No. Sturges Field and between No. 8 and 14 Ashfield Lane.
TIEPIGS LANE, the north west side, from a point 7.5m south west of the south western kerb line of Rydal Drive to a point 8.4m north east of the north eastern kerb line of Rydal Drive; the south east side, from a point 17m south west of the south western kerb line of Deer Park Way to a point 15.9m north east of the north eastern kerb line of Deer Park Way,
TILLINGBOURNE GREEN, the north west side, from a point 18.4m south west of a point opposite the north eastern kerb line of Lee Green to a point 8.2m north west of that kerb line; the south east side, from a point 15.3m south west of the south western kerb line of Lee Green to a point 8.2m north east of the north eastern kerb line of Lee Green.
UPPER ELMERS END ROAD, the south west side, from a point 8m north west of the north western kerb line of Raymond Road to a point 19.7m south eastward of the south eastern kerb line of Raymond Road; the north east side, from a point opposite the common boundary of Nos. 83 and 85 Upper Elmers End Road to a point opposite the common boundary of Nos. 87 and 89 Upper Elmers End Road
Colin Brand
Director of Environment and Public Protection
Civic Centre Stockwell Close Bromley BR1 3UH
London Borough of Bromley
Civic Centre , Stockwell Close , Bromley , BR1 3UH 020 8464 3333