Warrington, Hackney Carriage Fares 2022
Notice ID: MFN0668256
Warrington Borough Council
Hackney Carriage Fares 2022
Warrington Borough Council, Notice of Variation of Hackney Carriage Fares, S65 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
The following table of Hackney Carriage fares has been approved by Warrington Borough Council and will come into effect from 16th August, 2022 unless an objection is received Table of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fares
07.00 - 23.00hrs
23.00 - 07.00hrs
24 hours all Bank & Public Holidays, plus from 18.00hrs Christmas and New Year's Eve
If the distance does not exceed 783.6 yards £3.15 £3.65 £3.65
For each subsequent 98.2 yards £0.10 £0.15 £0.20
Charge at first mile £4.25 £5.45 £5.85
Charge for each subsequent mile (up to 6) £1.80
Charge for each further mile £2.75 £3.00 £3.60
Waiting time (For each completed 30 seconds) £0.10 £0.15 £0.20
Where five or more passengers are carried the above tariffs will increase by 50% becoming tariffs 4, 5 and 6.
Extra charges
1. For fouling cab £50.00
2. For each article carried outside passenger compartment £0.10
3. For carrying livestock (discretionary) except 'Assistance Dogs' £1.00
4. For each bicycle or pram carried £0.10
Any person may make representation relating to the fare increase which must be in writing to the following address Licensing Section, Warrington Borough Council, Town Hall, East Annexe, Sankey Street, WA1 1UH or by email to
no later than 15th August 2022
Warrington Borough Council
Contact Warrington , Horsemarket Street , Warrington , Cheshire , WA1 1XL
contact@warrington.gov.uk http://www.warrington.gov.uk/ 01925 443322