Croftwood Grove, Premises Licensing
Notice ID: WAR2439730
Licensing Act 2003 - Application To Vary Premises Licence
Mr ARA Fernando has applied to Knowsley Council to vary the licence at Whislor Convenience Store, 32 Croftwood Grove, Whiston L35 3UT to allow alcohol sales Bam-11pm daily and update conditions. The application can be inspected at the Licensing Authority, 2nd floor Yorkon Building, Archway Rd, Huyton L36 9FB.
Any person can make written representations to the Licensing Authority at the above address by 5/7122. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection Willi an application under tie licensing Act 2003, a person guilty of such an offence b liable or summary convUon to an unlimited fine.