North Road, Premises Licensing
Notice ID: BRA2382511
Notice Of Application For A Premises Licence Under The Gambling Act 2005
Notice is hereby given that: Noble Corp Ltd of the following address: Rmt Accountants & Business Advisors Ltd, Gosford Park Avenue Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 8EG are applying for a Adult Gaining Cento premises licence under secion 159 of the Gambling Act 2005. The application relates to the following premises: Nobles Amusements 12 North Road Durham DH1 4SH. The application has been made to: Durham County Council, Licensing Services Community Protection Service PO But 617 Durham DH1 9HZ Email:
. Information about the application is avaiable from the licensing authority including the arrangements for viewing the details of the appplication. Any of the following persons may make representations in writing to the tensing authority about the application.A person who lives sufficjerrtly close to the premises to be likely to be affected by the authorised activities. A person who has business interests that mp be affected by authorised activities. A person who represents someone in any of the ai»ve two categories. Any representations must be made by tie Mowing date: 01/05/22. It is an offence under section 342 ol the Gambling Act 2005 il a person, wilhoul reasonable erase, gives to a licensing authority for a puipose connected with that Act informaf on which is false or misleading.